Holiday of Healing: the Grieving
Holiday celebrations can be very difficult for those who have lost a friend or family member that year, or even previous to that. Memories of past Christmas’ fill the minds of those grieving leaving them feeling their loss all over again. Many have lost their spouse, leaving them alone. Others have lost children whom they would normally play and share holiday festivities with. Others feel guilt from having survived accidents or similar things that their loved one did not. They have to go to celebrations alone and see those who still have their spouse or friends while they do not. They feel the hurt all over again while they should be enjoying the season.
Grief is a process and it takes time to overcome it. Some people never do overcome. This season, think of those whom you know that have lost a family or loved one. Try to fill the gap with your love and friendship for just a little while and bring them some joy.
Pray for:
- God to give them peace in their time of loss.
- That they would know that God has never left them, and that even when they feel alone, He is always there.
- That they would allow themselves to heal as much as possible and move on with their life and find joy.
- That they would develop new friendships.
- They they would allow themselves to remember the good times they had with their loved one and not just the fact that they are gone.
- That God would send others (maybe even you) to take the effort to care for them.
- That they would not blame God or others for their loss – that they would forgive.
What can you do?
1. Pray for them.
2. Be a friend. Spend time with them.
3. Give them a simple gift that just says you were on their mind.
4. Invite them over to your house or to go shopping with you.
5. Share their memories with them if they need/want to.
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