Resources: Books

Mission Africa
Every day 6,500 people die on the continent of Africa from the AIDS virus. The people there are plagued by war and famine, drought and disease. But they are our neighbors in the world and in Christ. We must not ignore them in their time of need.
Mission: Africa is a collection of the thoughts of many of your favorite music artists like Jars of Clay, The Newsboys, Michael Tait, GRITS, John Reuben, Out of Eden, and many others. They each share their minds with you on this issue close to their hearts.
My Praise Journal
Not only will kids learn more about the book of Psalms, but they can also use this praise journal to help them tell God how much they thank Him and love Him. They will also learn more about God and themselves as they write their praises and prayers. Includes numerous Psalm passages, each of which is broken down into 6 sections: “Read the Word,” which gives a Psalm reading. “Think About The Word,” which simplifies the preceding Psalm passage for easier understanding. “Live the Word” further explains how you may live the passage today in your everyday life. “My Praises” section is lined blank space for the reader’s praise of God. “Pray about the Word” offers a prayer you can read to God. “Use the Word” has lined blank space for you to explain how you can use what you’ve learned in the passage.
All the Countries of the World
Available from
This book is a great new resource to help with Kingdom Praying. It includes pictures, statistics and the history for all the countries in the world. This will be a great new prayer tool for your kids.
From Akebu to Zapotec: A Book of Bibleless Peoples
This delightful book alphabetically introduces your child to different people groups around the world. Young children will enjoy the short stories and colorful pictures. More importantly, they will begin to grasp the need of those who have yet to hear the gospel!
Prayer Saturated Kids
Christian parents know the importance of raising their children on the foundation of God’s Word. But we can overlook one of the most valuable gifts children can receive: lives enriched by intercessory prayer. And although America is currently experiencing an unprecedented prayer movement, leaders are concerned that the next generation may not inherit this spiritual legacy. Prayer-Saturated Kids is a vital guide for parents and adults who long to impact their children’s lives on every level. Parents and adults will discover different styles of prayer, learn how to intercede for their children’s protection and growth, and deepen their children’s awareness of God’s work in their lives–all of which creates an environment where children are prayed for, prayed with, and praying.
Disclaimer: we do not endorse the full content of this book.
Children from Australia to Zimbabwe
This photographic journal alphabetically introduces 25 countries from six continents and one imaginary land. For example, the letter S is represented by Senegal. In a few short, chatty paragraphs, readers learn tidbits about the land’s topography, its religion, festivals, and food. A facts section gives information on the capital, languages, favorite sports, etc. But the real eyecatchers are the beautiful photographs of children at work, play, and worship. Each one celebrates the dignity and importance of children and allows readers to discover the differences and similarities among civilizations. And that imaginary land? It’s Xanadu. In the words of children, it is a country where there are lots of flowers, where no one is rich and no one is poor. There is no violence. Sounds like a nice place to live, doesn’t it?
Visions Beyond the Veil
From the
Originally published many years ago, this outstanding book, now revised, is still fresh and challenging to us today. It tells the story of a group of children–mostly street beggars and orphans–living in Adullam Rescue Mission in Yunan Province, China, under the care of missionaries H.A. Baker and his wife. These children experienced an immense and incredible out-pouring of the Holy Spirit–so great that they literally “experienced Heaven” through visions, were aware of the presence of angels, and were able to describe in great detail what they saw. The result of these intense experiences of God was a fervent passion for worship, the Word of God, and prayer. This thought-provoking and faith-lifting book will challenge you to a deeper and more intimate walk with God.
Children Can You Hear Me?
From the
God longs to open the eyes and ears of faith in every boy and girl. He desires that each child would hear his voice and see his face–even the child in you. This hardcover children’s storybook features full color illustrations by Ken Save as well as a chapter from Can You Hear Me? Tuning In to the God Who Speaks that explains how parents can encourage their children to embrace a lifestyle of listening prayer.
Praise God with Banners
The Praise God… series of teacher resources present crafts that reinforce learning about the Bible, the sacraments and worship. This book features banner designs, directions, and patterns for making 26 individual or classroom banners related to key Bible lessons and times of the church year. The banners are designed to fit a piece of construction paper or a 9 x 12-inch felt piece, but can be enlarged to make larger fabric banners, paper posters, or bulletin boards. The featured banner designs focus on the people, items, or symbols in the Bible. ($7.99)
Redefining Children’s Ministry in the 21st Century
While building up the spiritual discipline of prayer in our children, we will face the need for a paradigm shift in our training methods and thought processes. This book pulls no punches and is based on years of experienced training as well as documented research and statistics. If you are ready to take your kids to the next level of spiritual growth, or if you are concerned about the pace of spiritual development in the children under your watch, then this book is for you. The first half is inspirational; the second half is full of “how to” examples.
Too Small to Ignore
“Too Small to Ignore is a wake-up call for all of us. It speaks to our responsibility to ‘the least of these.’ The truths in this book speak directly to the heart. If you want to understand children and why they matter to God, you have to read this book!”
–Michael W. Smith, artist and songwriter
“In Too Small to Ignore, Dr. Wess Stafford paints a powerful picture of the importance of children, using the colorful canvas of his own childhood spent thriving in the heart of Africa as a missionary’s son. Wess’s story cuts a deep river of compassion for children in the heart of the reader, and his vision for the future creates a broad horizon of hope. Children are not the church of the future, Wess asserts. They are the church of today and deserve our devoted time, active attention, generous resources, and deep-rooted respect if we are to honor the heart of Jesus with our lives.” –Denny Rydberg, president of Young Life
Praying the Bible: the Pathway to Spirituality
For your personal spiritual growth…
Description from Wesley and Stacey Campbell lead us continually upward on our pathway to spirituality–from walking to running to becoming directly connected with God’s presence! They begin with the timeless biblical truth that underscores the importance of prayer and explains how to pray for proven effectiveness. As they guide us through their seven steps along the path, they highlight the journey with exciting personal-life prayer experiences. Practical and revelation, enriching and educational–this is an invaluable prayer tool for novice prayers and seasoned intercessors alike.
Teach Us To Pray
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I discovered this book in Ghana and have found it to be a helpful resource for ideas. Here is what  has to say about it.
Description: Each spring, millions of Americans gather to pray for our nation. This inspiring resource encourages your church to keep praying—not only on the National Day of Prayer, but throughout the year! Three 6-lesson group studies guide you in tailoring prayer sessions for a different age range—children, youth, and adults. 260 reproducible pages, softcover from Regal.
Children and the Holy Spirit
Children and the Holy Spirit
“Children and youth today need the power of God. It’s not an option! The devil is after our children: they face things in school that we never had to face…things like drugs, guns, rape, and murder. Let’s give our children what they need the most to overcome temptation…the anointing of God and a passionate love for Jesus. This book will open your eyes to what the Holy Spirit can do among children.”
Teaching Kids Authentic Worship (How to keep them close to God for LIFE!)
Authentic Worship – “Kids often idolize celebrities and sports heroes. Wouldn’t it be great if they showed similar enthusiasm for God? They will, says Chapman, if they’re taught to “truly worship—to focus on God alone.” Drawing from 30 years of children’s ministry experience, she offers 52 hands-on “worship moments” to get kids singing the praises of their Creator. 192 pages, softcover from Baker.”
“This book is a great tool no matter what level you are on in kids worship. It provides great foundational information for those just starting out and it is confirmation for those that have already begun to concentrate on involving kids in worship.” –Lyn St. John, Kids Prayer/Worship Coordinator
Let the Children Pray
“When your children pray they get God’s ear–and get results! Just as exciting, your praying children become praying adults. Esther Ilnisky tells you how to release your children to pray with power, love and devotion–and join the growing army of young prayer warriors who are helping to bless and change our homes, our school and our nation. These remarkable testimonies about God’s response to the faith of our children foretell a new generation of mighty prayer warriors in our homes–and an astounding untapped resource for our churches.”
“Hearing Esther present the idea of children’s prayer nearly ten years ago is what started me on this path.” –AC
Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions
Want to reach America’s largest hidden mission field? Look down! Studies show that our children’s moral development is largely set before the age of ten. Discover ways for your congregation to target this worldview-shaping window of opportunity, equip new Christian parents to nurture spiritual maturity in their kids—and help strengthen the church’s future generation. 175 pages, hardcover from Regal.
Making Your Children’s Ministry the Best Hour of Every Kid’s Week
“This book provides step-by-step guidance and creative application exercises to help churches develop a thriving children’s ministry…included are Scripture-based principles and practical resources for every church staff member or volunteer involved in children’s ministry.
1) What does Jesus expect from children’s ministry?
2) How can we evangelize lost kids and disciple saved kids at
the same time, and should we?
3) How do we engage kids so they don’t become bored?
4) How do we get better at recruiting and leading volunteers?
5) How can our ministry be a safe place for children?”
The Praying Family
“It has been proven that when couples pray together, the divorce rate drastically declines. Kim knows there are many obstacles to becoming a family of prayer. In “The Praying Family, ” she not only tackles those barriers, but she provides a practical, step-by-step approach to making family prayer time the most exciting activity in which a family engages.” This book will give you tons of ideas and prayer projects to get the family praying at home. And for teachers, it will spark many ideas that can be adapted for class use.
Window on the World
This is a book that will inform and inspire the whole family or class. This beautifully presented yet practical book is the ideal accompaniment to any missions teaching for children (and adults). Stunning photographic visuals complement this A-Z of 100 countries and people groups providing an exciting learning experience and guide for prayer.
107 Questions Children Ask About Prayer
How can God hear our prayers from heaven? Why do we say “Amen” when we’re done praying? Do we still have to thank God if we don’t like the food? Kids ask the most amazing questions about prayer, don’t they?
Answering children’s difficult questions about God, the Bible, and the Christian faith is something many parents have to face. But where can they find the answers? That thought is what sparked the creation of this fun, informative series. So don’t be caught off guard by these interesting challenges. Arm yourself before your kids grow up—or at least before Sunday school starts. This book contains thoughtful answers to the questions children most often ask about God. All 107 questions came from real, live children. Why else would they be so wacky?
Hooray Let’s Pray
From an overview of the Basic Principles of Prayer to the nuts and bolts of prayer activities for kids, this book is excellent for generating excitement with activities that revolve around prayer. Includes background info about teaching prayer, learning styles, prayer basics for teachers/kids, praying with preschoolers, unique prayer opportunities, special times and places for prayer and prayers from the Bible.   If you can get your hands on a copy of this book, you’ll wear it out in the years to come.
When Children Pray by Cheri Fuller
For every Christian parent eager to see their children come closer to the Lord, Cheri Fuller’s newest book is a godsend. There’s no better testament to the power and effectiveness of children’s prayers than these stories of how God answers the prayers of our children and youth. Most important, this book prepares parents to teach their children how to pray; not merely the mechanics, but understanding and claiming the power of their heavenly Father through prayer. Busy parents and those with questions about their own prayer commitments will find When Children Pray especially helpful in passing on a legacy of faith to the next generation.