Archive of ideas

Worship with Songs and Praise Journals Thumbnail

Worship with Songs and Praise Journals

We can trust God no matter what happens, when or how. God is always looking out for our good. God is love. God is pure. God is holy. God is good.  It’s important for us to train our children that prayer is not just a list of things that we want God to do; it’s a time of communicating to our best friend and telling Him how much we love Him. Use the attached lesson to teach your children to w

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Support Missionary Kids Thumbnail

Support Missionary Kids

MK’s (Missionary Kids) are just like the kids we meet with every week except they live in another country. MK’s like to have fun and just like many kids that are in our care they want to be used by God. Some MK’s live in an area where there are not other children that can go to church with them. Some live in countries where it is dangerous to admit that you are a Christian. Some were born i

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Prayer Bingo Thumbnail

Prayer Bingo

Use this prayer tool to add a bit of fun to your children's prayer time as well as get them praying about personal and world issues. Each participant gets a Prayer Bingo card and a set of squares to cover their card spaces. One person randomly chooses a topic of prayer from the word list. The word list page can be cut up into small strips of paper that are pulled out of a box. Each participant who

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Thanksgiving Prayer Thumbnail

Thanksgiving Prayer

Thanksgiving is usually a festive holiday filled with a lot of laughter, friends, family, food and fellowship. Football games are enjoyed between desserts and families start bringing out the Christmas decorations. For America, the day is a celebration of the goodness we enjoy everyday. For those of us who pray, it is also a reminder of the millions others who are lonely, starving, living in povert

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Targeted Prayers Thumbnail

Targeted Prayers

Praying specifically for needs of others (and ourselves) is very important. We don’t pray specifically to tell God what to do for us, but it helps keep us from praying lazy prayers that are too general and ineffective. Also, praying until we feel we’ve “hit the target” in heaven is important. Sometimes it takes praying for a specific need more than once to feel released from it. We need to

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