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Support Missionary Kids

MK’s (Missionary Kids) are just like the kids we meet with every week except they live in another country. MK’s like to have fun and just like many kids that are in our care they want to be used by God.

Some MK’s live in an area where there are not other children that can go to church with them. Some live in countries where it is dangerous to admit that you are a Christian. Some were born in the country they are living in and others were not, but every MK I have met calls that place home. Many times when MK’s are back in the States they feel homesick and as if they don’t belong. Kids are just like adults—it helps and is encouraging to know that people pray for you and want to be your friend. That is the concept behind MK Prayer Pals. A prayer pal would receive prayer requests from a MK and agree to pray with and for the MK. They would also attempt to build and maintain a friendship by email. If you would like your kids prayer group, Sunday school -class or children’s ministry to be involved and become a prayer pal with a MK please contact us and let us know who you wish to sponsor. We will get your information to MK Ministries and you will then be partnered with a MK.

Become a missionary prayer pal by writing and praying for one or more of these missionary kids. (Photos are below)
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