MK Prayer Pals (Redux) – Idea
Would you like to help the kids in your Sunday school class, prayer group or even at home become more active in praying for the Kingdom? One way to do this is to adopt a MK (Missionary Kid).
MK’s are just like the kids we come in contact with on a day to day basis. They love to play, talk with friends, eat pizza, and have a desire to be used in ministry. However MK’s are in need of some extra spiritual support and friendship. Many MK’s consider the country where their family is serving home. So when they come back to the US on deputation they feel homesick and lonely. There are some kids who go to the missionary field when they are older and the opposite happens. They are homesick and lonesome for their friends back in the US. Sometimes MK’s just are not sure where they fit in.
By becoming a MK Prayer Pal you and the children you work with have a chance to make a huge impact on the world. When kids are on the mission field with their parents they also take on responsibilities and ministry in the church. They become musicians, Sunday school teachers and some even get to preach. They need extra prayer covering because the enemy thinks he can take them out quicker because they are young. Sometimes an MK does drift away from God even when they are surrounded by miracles. Your kids can be the encouragement that makes a difference in a MK’s day, possibly even in their life.
It is very simple to get involved. Email me by clicking on the feedback link and I will get in contact with MK Ministries to get you paired up with a MK. They will get an email address, physical address, picture and prayer requests. These will then be forwarded to you. After you receive this information all you need to do is keep in contact with the MK. Ask for updated requests. Ask them to send you stories about what is happening in their country. Have your kids do the same.
By becoming a prayer pal with an MK you are giving them instant friends when their family comes back to the US on deputation. You are giving them a consistent prayer covering. You are encouraging them and letting them know that they are important to the Kingdom.
Below is a flier you can print off to help share this idea with your Sunday school teachers, children’s leaders and parents.
DOWNLOAD: [download id=”26″ format=”3″]
I would like to get a 2 MK’s to become Prayer Pals with. Preferably 1 boy and 1 girl to begin with.
As the Sunday School Director my plan is to introduce this during our children’s church service and then through our Sunday School classes we can set up a poster display in each room. How exciting ~ thank you for this beautiful website…love it!
Thanks for the interest! The MKs can use all the prayer and interaction they can get. I’ve sent you the MK list, so let us know what happens as you begin to utilize it!
God bless your ministry
I am a children pastor and I would like the kids in our church to become prayer pal with two MK kids – one boy and one girl.
Hi…I’m the Sunday School Director for my church in Jamaica and we have recently embarked on a prayer drive for the year 2012. I want my Sunday School Department to become involved in this prayer venture so I would really like to become involved in your MK ministry. Thank you