Adoration Alphabet – Idea
The Adoration Alphabet is a fun and easy way to teach kids about worship. The kids prayer group at my church adapted this idea from the book When Children Pray by Cheri Fuller. This is an activity we would use monthly during our focus on worship.
On a piece of poster board cut into quarters (or purchased at that size) write a letter of the alphabet. On the opposite side have kids write down as many words that can be used as praise to/about God that start with that letter. Then have each kids say as many of the words as they can in one breath. For another exercise you could go in a circle starting with the letter A and say a word of praise to God. Then the next person repeats that word and adds one with the letter B. Keep going until someone forgets or can’t come up with a word. This is a project that you can spread out over a year. Once you have the whole alphabet, use the letters to spell out worship words.
Below is a file you can download to introduce this concept to your kids workers or kids. We used this just last week at the 7 Essentials Seminar. Here are some of the answers we came up with.
T- trustworthy, truthful, terrific, triumphant
Z – zealous
U – unique, unlimited, ultimate, understanding, undeniable
X – x-cellent, x-tra special, x-treme, x-alted, x-tra large, x-ray vision
DOWNLOAD: [download id=”25″ format=”3″]
This is a wonderful idea! I’m making prayer books/journals for my children that they can use during our Saturday evening prayer time and I’m going to include a page for each letter that they would be able to use for anything or anyone that needs prayer! Thanks for the idea!
[…] this time you could use the Adoration Alphabet and have the children practice giving God compliments. The more they work on this the easier it […]