Archive of teachers

Holiday of Healing: Schools Thumbnail

Holiday of Healing: Schools

The education system of today has drastically changed. Many schools today are filled with violence, guns, drugs, and fear. It used to be that metal detectors were only found in high-security buildings but now they are common in inner-city schools. School and college shootings are on the rise as students take out their fear, aggression and voice on their peers. Prayer in schools has been banned whe

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Back-to-School Prayer Thumbnail

Back-to-School Prayer

Since school is starting for a majority of children and young people this month, we'd like to leave you with some prayer points that you can use in your church, home and kids prayer ministry group. Praying for schools... Help our teachers be men and women of integrity and character. Make our schools platforms for learning virtue and practicing it. Give our kids a heart for God that is unapo

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The Unpredictable Lesson Thumbnail

The Unpredictable Lesson

"You just think you know it all! Smartie-pants!" These are familiar words spoken by children on playgrounds, in households, and backyards. They are cruel words and yet often full of absolute truth -  no one likes a Know-It-All. There is a common mindset among many of the successful that simply states, "I've finally arrived; I am the best." Prideful looks and haughty spirits cause Big-I-Little-You

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