Archive of listening

What Did God Say to You? Thumbnail

What Did God Say to You?

"What did God say to you?" I asked this question during a kid's session of the Summons to Sacrifice conference a few weeks ago right after we lead the children in a time of listening for what God wanted us to do. An eight year old answered it. "God said, we are to keep praying!" As simple as it may seem, this occurred after an extended time of prayer had already taken place. We were beyond the t

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Win-Win Situation Thumbnail

Win-Win Situation

by A.C. I haven’t yet found a down-side yet to training children in the fine art of effective prayer. Nobody’s gotten puffed up, kids actually enjoy praying, intercessors have been discovered, and positive life-choices are made under the direction of the Holy Spirit. I’ve been doing kids prayer training for nearly sixteen years now and it never gets old, watching God do “His thing” when

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The Unpredictable Lesson Thumbnail

The Unpredictable Lesson

"You just think you know it all! Smartie-pants!" These are familiar words spoken by children on playgrounds, in households, and backyards. They are cruel words and yet often full of absolute truth -  no one likes a Know-It-All. There is a common mindset among many of the successful that simply states, "I've finally arrived; I am the best." Prideful looks and haughty spirits cause Big-I-Little-You

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