Archive of ideas

Missions Project Thumbnail

Missions Project

by Donna Rankin Dalton A girl in our Kids Prayer Club has started her own missions project using the M&M prayer theme. She is raising money for missionaries by making yarn dolls in the M&M colors and giving each one a beaded necklace in all the colors to encourage praying for the different groups. You can read more about it on her mom's blog at:

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Praying for the Elderly Thumbnail

Praying for the Elderly

Senior citizens often face many problems that younger generations are oblivious to. They have debilitating diseases, health issues, substantial medical bills, vision loss, memory loss, hearing loss, degraded ability to move around, and so on. In addition, they face fear of loneliness, loss of purpose and death. The effect of just these issues alone is far reaching and affect not just them but thei

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Praying for the Sick… Kid-Style Thumbnail

Praying for the Sick… Kid-Style

Often in our kids prayer group we receive requests to pray for people - usually for healing. Most of these requests are for people that our kids don't come in contact with, so in the past we have sent them a prayer cloth, just like the apostles did in the New Testament. We like for people to know that the prayer cloth came from the kids group so we have used brightly colored or patterned material.

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Wailing Wall Thumbnail

Wailing Wall

The Wailing Wall (often referenced also as the area of the Gate of Mercy) is a remnant of an ancient wall that surrounded the Jewish Temple's courtyard in Old Jerusalem, and is one of the most sacred places in Judaism. It has been s a site for Jewish prayers and pilgrimages for centuries. Many of those who come to pray at the walls write prayers on slips of paper and press them into the cracks. Mo

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