Archive of conference

What Did God Say to You? Thumbnail

What Did God Say to You?

"What did God say to you?" I asked this question during a kid's session of the Summons to Sacrifice conference a few weeks ago right after we lead the children in a time of listening for what God wanted us to do. An eight year old answered it. "God said, we are to keep praying!" As simple as it may seem, this occurred after an extended time of prayer had already taken place. We were beyond the t

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Prophetic Words about Kids Prayer Thumbnail

Prophetic Words about Kids Prayer

We wanted to share the tongues and interpretations and prophetic word that went forth at the 2012 Summons to Sacrifice Conference during the adult session on Friday morning. God is pleased with what you are all doing in kids prayer!!! Tongues & Interpretation #1:“Because Israel had no father and mother, Eli did not train his sons to know me. I had to raise a Samuel. A Samuel to bring forth

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