Teaching Kids to Pray Series: Withhold Reprimanding in Prayer
It's great to understand that we can be absolutely honest, and open with God at all times. I'm so thankful for the safety we have, and that kids have, in our relationship with Him. I don't always get prayer right. Much of what I originally learned about prayer was done through watching others - people who made mistakes as well. That's not to say that each of these people I emulated was wrong beca
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As we recently learned, prayer can be simple. There is no special formula or method. There are no tried and true 12-step programs; there is simply, prayer. The more we realize how simple it is, the more freedom we will have it exploring it, and thereby, exploring God. God is our friend. God knows us. God knows our life. When we talk with our best friend about our life, we share everything. We t
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Children typically do not teach themselves. For a child to learn a core value, skill, or truth, they need to be taught. Children may learn passively through their environments and other people, or actively through focused instruction. If we think of how a child learns to speak, we recall them learning words through repetition, and by picking up the sounds and syllables spoken around them. A child
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