Archive of family

Staggering Statistics Thumbnail

Staggering Statistics

For those who "enjoy" statistics, this one should boggle your mind: They say it takes 10,000 hours to perfect a skill. The average prayer time a child spends in prayer on a non-church day is two minutes. At 10,000 hours (600,000 min), that would take 300,000 days, or 42857+ weeks, or 824 years. We need a prayer life, not prayer moments. Our kids need prayer modeled at home, and training

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Suffer the Little Children Thumbnail

Suffer the Little Children

Bringing Up Your Children to Be Praying Adults. Having a prayerful attitude in life is something that is learned, not something that just happens. The sooner we start to develop a dialog with Jesus, the more likely it is that we will have a free-flow of communication with Him as a life-long habit. Start your children early in life talking to Jesus. Here are a few tips and ideas to get you star

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